Tailles de photo
✔ Automatique ✔ XXS - minuscule (240 x 162)
✔ XS - très petit (432 x 292)
✔ S - petit (576 x 390)
✔ M - moyen (800 x 542)
✔ Original (926 x 628)

- Auteur
- Gillard Michel
- Classement par
Warning: [mysql error 1142] UPDATE command denied to user 'attiredasq1'@'' for table 'piwigo_images' UPDATE piwigo_images SET hit = hit+1, lastmodified = lastmodified WHERE id = 1039 ; in /home/attireda/photos/include/dblayer/functions_mysqli.inc.php on line 830
Warning: [mysql error 1142] INSERT command denied to user 'attiredasq1'@'' for table 'piwigo_history' INSERT INTO piwigo_history ( date, time, user_id, IP, section, category_id, image_id, image_type, tag_ids ) VALUES ( CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, 2, '', 'categories', NULL, 1039, 'picture', NULL ) ; in /home/attireda/photos/include/dblayer/functions_mysqli.inc.php on line 830
Warning: [mysql error 1142] INSERT command denied to user 'attiredasq1'@'' for table 'piwigo_sessions' REPLACE INTO piwigo_sessions (id,data,expiration) VALUES('1261400c7f6bf129c2661899a9798d04755f','pwg_device|s:7:\"desktop\";pwg_mobile_theme|b:0;pwg_referer_image_id|s:4:\"1039\";',now()) ; in /home/attireda/photos/include/dblayer/functions_mysqli.inc.php on line 830